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If Quake was made today, Funny Video

This cracks me up because it's completely true. This is why games like Xonotic are pure gold.

It's funny you should post this, I watched this exact video earlier today!
I like the footage at the end. That's how Quake should be played, none of this simplified CoD crap (although CoD can be good fun!). Tongue

Hah, lol! This video is soooo classic! Big Grin

LOL, I watched this today too, along with "If Doom was done today".

And yes, thank God (and devs) for Xonotic.

Same here. I loved both of these videos! Though "If Doom was done today" wasn't quite as good as "If Quake was done today", IMHO.
Still, where are all the good arena shooters at? I guess people either replay older ones from the past or play reincarnated games like Xonotic.

You can embed youtube videos by putting the url between [yt] and [/yt].

Actually gave Black Ops a go over at my sister's house once and it's rail roaded EXACTLY like the Doom video. How there is any enjoyment to be had out of it is beyond me.


Oh wait.


idk about blackops ... cod4 is the only one I have played ... and it isn't like that at all (it was railroaded ... but It actually awarded you for exploring (hidden enemy intel laptops))... I also realized that games like this are the POLAR OPPOSITE if minecraft ... which offers no help to the player whatsoever...

for xonotic singleplayer I would actually like to see something more like descent ... (concept wise ... not physics wise obviously)

Actually, I remember CoD 4 having plenty of those "staples" of modern games:

-Hit indicator,
-Grenade indicator,
-You are hurt, get to cover + health regenerating swiftly,
-Tons of cutscenes.

If you want realism, get the Arma games or Project Reality for BF2.

Call of Duty 4 was the LAST good Call of Duty game to my knowledge. To be fair I did skip out on Modern Warfare 2 (boycotted actually) and Modern Warfare 3 though. I have played most of the others as they are quite popular in the console crowd and a lot of people I know have copies of them. The best in the series was easily United Offensive which was an expansion pack to the first game.

Oh wait.

There are a couple things though ... in cod4 ... there are cutscenes ... but they are INTERESTING ... they show things happening ... interesting animations ... not repetitive ... that kind of thing... ... the original quake and doom engines can't handle that kind of pretty...

also ...

the multiplayer does not have cut-scenes (which is the reason people buy cod) the singleplayer is more for training...
(and there are no grenade indicators when playing hardcore (which I play ... alot))

lol love that video.

FPS gaming has really gone downhill since the console has caught up to PCs. It used to be that if you wanted to play a game like Quake, you had to spend the money on a PC and know your way around it. Now anyone can play games like that, and it seems the shooter has become the new platformer, the casual game for the masses.

I was actually about to abandon shooters completely for fighting games when I found Xonotic.

(06-10-2012, 01:02 PM)W4RP1G Wrote: the console has caught up to PCs

I must disagree on this; the console hasn't quite caught up. In fact, it probably fell further behind after the dreamcast was out of production. I haven't owned one, but I heard that console was awesome, for reasons like the fact that it actually had a web browser, years before the competitors' consoles did.
In-game name: moutandihami or mood
Currently working on openmachines and deadphase

The DC was ambitious, but it's very overrated. The best games were arcade ports, the internet was dial up, and the media format was compact disk. 1 year later, the PS2 came out with a built in DVD player, which was kinda like when the PS3 came out with a Blue ray player. it was an advancement for sure. That's not to say the DC wasn't impressive for it's time, but the reality of it is that it was bested by the PS2 because the PS2 was better. And given bad SEGA's reputation at the time, the DC needed to be better than the PS2 to bring people in.

Also, yes the console has caught up to PCs. Today's consoles are dated compared to new PC hardware, but they were impressive when they were released. Anyone who has played every generations of console up until the Xbox knows that a PC port to a console was just not happening without some serious revisions. While console players were enjoying perfect dark locally with it's poor graphics and clunky controls and interface, PC players were playing UT99 online. And Perfect Dark was the best consoles had to offer.

>console FPS vs PC FPS crap
FPS can be done just as well on console most of the time as it can on PC. Examples of this include classics such as Perfect Dark (whose predecessor GoldenEye 007 changed FPS forever), Turok 2, Escape from Butcher Bay, and Time Splitters. The only semi-valid debate I've heard arguing against console is that controllers supposedly aren't as good as keyboard and mouse which really just points to laziness in modern developers to get the acceleration on the sticks right and give you the option to bind stuff to the keypads that are available as attachments for controllers.

Examples of games that got look acceleration right though are:

GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark (Nintendo 64, should also be noted that these games have a look-ahead mechanic that wouldn't work well with a mouse. Said mechanic allows you to shoot away from the center of the screen, excellent for going around corners. It should also be noted that the guns fire EXACTLY where they're pointed at from the on screen position they're in, a rarity in FPS where a lot of shots originate from the center of the screen or inside the camera.)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (XBox huge)
Half Life 2 (XBox huge)

A player who has properly familiarized themselves with the controls in those games will have no problem with turning off any and all aim assists, reliably hitting headshots, and spinning around in less than a split second. The REAL PROBLEM plaguing FPS right now is that a generation of easily exploitable and ignorant crowd has started picking them up and is gullible enough to buy anything that's marketed to hell and back. Said generation of players are often unfamilar with greats such as Doom, Quake, Turok, Half Life (which more resembled a puzzle game than a shooter, it surprises me how many people don't know that), Perfect Dark, Tribes, Unreal, or Delta Force.

Oh wait.

I really take a diff rent stance in this ... pc's are good at pc stuff ... consoles are good at console stuff

PC stuff --- anything text ad mouse heavy
-- xonotic
-- civ
-- sim anything
-- realtime strategy anything
-- adventure

Console stuff
-- mario
-- metroid
-- zelda
-- anything else nintendo has made

Things like cod ... I would hate playing with a controller ... but somehow it seems that people fare well with it ...

although with an emulator and a controller I was able to play goldeneye and mario 64 on my pc ... (yes I have the carts for them too) to wait a few years and gamecube-- ps2-- xbox will be in that group too

Like I said, one problem with controllers is that developers never take the time needed to correct the acceleration on the analog sticks and like to hide that by throwing in aim assist (Halo, Far Cry Instincts, and Call of Duty are all guilty of this and have TERRIBLE looking acceleration). If you played, say the first Riddick game when it initially hit XBox you would know that looking controls can be done with analog sticks if the developers working on the game aren't lazy. Keep in mind that acceleration and sensitivity are two different things. Half Life 2 also nailed it perfectly and I was able to rotate around just as quickly as I can with a mouse and reliably land headshots as well.

Oh wait.

If quake was made today, it would probably look like that:

Not that funny but kind of crappy too.

I wasn't really talking about console fps vs pc fps in my post(if that's how it came across), it was more about the technologies used for console vs pc at the time. Yes, Goldeneye was revolutionary for console players because it was a great fps on the console, but it was definitely nowhere near the quality of the Unreal series. And at that time, you could play online in PC games, which was a much higher level of play. These days, that doesn't matter. The only differences you'll see between console and PC are mods and server player limit(BF3). The m/kb is better argument is invalid these days because controllers are very good and some people prefer them, and the PS3 has m/kb support(depending on the devs intentions). Even mods and server player limit aren't an issue on PS3, just on 360.

GoldenEye did things that NO OTHER SHOOTER did at the time and it wouldn't be until SiN got released later that year that some of it's gameplay concepts would be applied in other games. One major thing GoldenEye did that it was memorable for was limb-based damage (characters didn't have hitboxes, chest and headshots did more damage than shots to arms and legs) allowing you to do things such as instantly killing someone with a headshot or even go as far as blowing them up by shooting grenades that they have in their hand. It also handled difficulty scaling differently than almost any other FPS released and would only be copied by Perfect Dark and TimeSplitters in that area. Perfect Dark also did things that FPS, including FPS on PC, rarely do which is tracking literally everything you've done (ammo spent, pain recieved, time played, pain delivered, accolades such as headshots...) and giving you full customization (allowing you to go as far as changing the weapon pickups) over multiplayer game setups

Oh wait.

(06-18-2012, 04:22 PM)asy7um Wrote:

And we have a rebuttal to this video:
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

(06-19-2012, 12:38 AM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: GoldenEye did things that NO OTHER SHOOTER did at the time and it wouldn't be until SiN got released later that year that some of it's gameplay concepts would be applied in other games. One major thing GoldenEye did that it was memorable for was limb-based damage (characters didn't have hitboxes, chest and headshots did more damage than shots to arms and legs) allowing you to do things such as instantly killing someone with a headshot or even go as far as blowing them up by shooting grenades that they have in their hand. It also handled difficulty scaling differently than almost any other FPS released and would only be copied by Perfect Dark and TimeSplitters in that area. Perfect Dark also did things that FPS, including FPS on PC, rarely do which is tracking literally everything you've done (ammo spent, pain recieved, time played, pain delivered, accolades such as headshots...) and giving you full customization (allowing you to go as far as changing the weapon pickups) over multiplayer game setups

I always felt that Goldeneye and PD were sluggish and the controls were awful(especially the auto aim feature). And the lack of a jump button was just odd.

I likes a lot about the game, but I guess body part damage and stat tracking are not things that really impress me more than Unreal did.

Auto aim sucked and the games were best played with it turned off. If your used to modern shooters I recommend switching to the Solitaire control style in GoldenEye and 1.2 style in Perfect Dark (this allows you use DPad and C Buttons for movement and joystick for aiming). I play Perfect Dark with auto aim and crosshairs turned off with the look ahead still enabled. You get used to it fast and become VERY deadly in the multiplayer component of the game if you play like that.

Oh wait.

Has probably been posted already, but my friend sent me it on steam and I thought you guys would appreciate it (if you haven't already seen it!):
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!

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