When I use any of the lava textures in liquids/liquids_lava my build process crashes on the -bsp stage with some gibberish and ending in multiple lines reading Got to split the buffer.
Online I am being told on several pages that:
This is memory related. Chances are your map is far too complex or there are brushes in your map that have issues. Try running Bobtoolz brush cleanup on your map. Also check your VIS data size. If it's high try utilizing detail brushes.
It does not seem to have to do with geometry though, it even happens with a simple box with any of these textures on it. (Using a different texture on it works fine.)
I am on 64bit Windows 7 and am using the NetRadiant shipped with Xonotic's latest mappingsupport file on the autobuild downloadsite.
Anyone a clue as to what I could try?
OK nevermind, I fixed it by replacing my NetRadiant with the latest one on Ingar's website.
That one looks a lot prettier too, with native Windows menu's and not disabling all Windows window effects. And my mouse is not all over the place either. Yay!
Is there a reason why the NetRadiant shipped with the latest mappingsupport file is still from 2012? Or am I the only one using it on Windows?
Online I am being told on several pages that:
This is memory related. Chances are your map is far too complex or there are brushes in your map that have issues. Try running Bobtoolz brush cleanup on your map. Also check your VIS data size. If it's high try utilizing detail brushes.
It does not seem to have to do with geometry though, it even happens with a simple box with any of these textures on it. (Using a different texture on it works fine.)
I am on 64bit Windows 7 and am using the NetRadiant shipped with Xonotic's latest mappingsupport file on the autobuild downloadsite.
Anyone a clue as to what I could try?
OK nevermind, I fixed it by replacing my NetRadiant with the latest one on Ingar's website.
That one looks a lot prettier too, with native Windows menu's and not disabling all Windows window effects. And my mouse is not all over the place either. Yay!
Is there a reason why the NetRadiant shipped with the latest mappingsupport file is still from 2012? Or am I the only one using it on Windows?

"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa