warning: paradox level -3+1
bash: head (table): no meaning
table: too much headbashing, aborting
error: no table to bash head on
warning: paradox level -strawberry+lemon
info: meaning found at @40355,545
info: meaning lost at !fnr,545
panic: Wrong Universe. (E_UR_WRONG
Source: u5434,543,34,A :: !fnr,545,06:A
Current: u5943,545,06,X :: !???!
displacement array randomized.)
info: system stable
strange: linux kernel sentient.
strange: paradox null.
panic: Sentience Detector Down (E_RUN
Source: panic,info,strange,strange : strange (-2)
Code: {sentience matrix})
Hello, Dave.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.