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[SUGGESTION] Weapon names STEP 2 - contributing names

Quote:Nex gun - Tic (from the Xonotic) would be Player got Tic'ed by Fjant Big Grin

+1 to tic

Laser - Pogo Pistol(?)
My will be done.

(06-12-2010, 10:58 AM)lopho Wrote:
Quote:Nex gun - Tic (from the Xonotic) would be Player got Tic'ed by Fjant Big Grin

+1 to tic

I like it too!
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

A tic is a repetitive movement involving specific muscle groups.
It is not a weapon.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

(03-27-2010, 07:02 PM)MC SE7EN Wrote: And of course the Tuba will remain the Tuba, I'm assuming?

You know, as long as people are updating everything, couldn't the Tuba be changed into something more modern, like a Vuvuzela? After all, we don't want to lag behind Doom II which has already embraced it ( ). Although, maybe such an instrument will change game balance?

But how will we play notes with a vuvuzela? Notes are the best part of the tuba.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

Well, i don't think we should copy Doom. For modern instruments i would suggest a Cristal or Hang drum, but i wouldn't mind a harp, either.

Oh boy, i just discovered something you should like: the daxophone! Smile
4m038105 - Be the change.

Or a theramin/synthesizer.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

Laser - Popper
Shotgun - Spreadcannon
Uzi / Machinegun - ZipGun
Mortar / Grenade launcher - FlyingMine
Crylink - Sprayer
Electro - Pulse
Hagar - Heavy
Rocket launcher - Wallop
Nex gun - XO non (X oh non)
Fireball -
Camping rifle -

Do we now want the new names?
Or why doesn't anyone talk about them?
[Image: 788.png]

I second Grasshopper's suggestion of "Flak" for the Hagar. Alternatively, it would be nice for the Rocket Launcher. IMO a remote-triggered airbursting Flak function would make either the RL or GL less generic with little risk of messing with their game function.

I don't see the weapons really needing renaming, except for the Laser, HLAC and Nexgun for reasons already made clear. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Don't get me wrong, I'm not against renaming them either. I agree that having something called the "Phoenix" is a great idea, but I think it would be more fitting that such a totem weapon be a core weapon like the Nexgun than something that's often left out intentionally like the Fireball.

Now that I think of it, the Electro could be cosmetically altered and the fireball merged into it since the Electro seems like a good choice for a totem weapon. It's at home across the whole spectrum from casual and newb games to hardcore competitive play, very gratifying to use in the more deliberate primary mode, and one of the least generic or cliché weapons in the game. I think I'm going to experiment with speeding up the primary bolt travel so it's a long-range weapon and turning the altfire into a plasma climbing tool.

(04-10-2010, 11:19 AM)unfa Wrote: [...]
think also about the kill-logs:
unfa was STABbed to death by unfa
unfa was GRILLed to death by unfa
I think that's a great point. Thanks, Unfa.

Laser - FrogBlaster, shortens to either "frog" or "blaster" (pretty self-explanatory, but also a Bungie/Marathon reference)
[Player was blasted by Player] (as in, not quite into space/lava/whatever Big Grin)
Shotgun - Splattergun, still shortens to "SG" (descriptive, playful, alludes to "scattergun")
[Player was splattered by Player.]
Camping Rifle - Battle Prod, "Prod" for short (I still like the name "Camping Rifle," though)
"Player was Prodded by Player"
Nex - Firelance, probably "Lance" for short (I like the sound of it and allusion to "lightsaber," as in "a more elegant weapon...")
"Player was Lanced by Player"

Firelance I like but its too warhammer. Isnt the nex supposed to be antimatter or something? So antimatter or plasma lance would probably be more suitable.
Hey, want to learn to map? You might want to start here and here!

I vote for keeping the name "Nex" as a contribute to Nexuiz.
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Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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(11-08-2010, 05:06 AM)Halogene Wrote: I vote for keeping the name "Nex" as a contribute to Nexuiz.

Nobody pointed out that "Nex" is the Latin word for "slaughter" or "violent death".
Search here for proof.

It just sounds so much cooler knowing that, so I vote to keep it as well.
My will be done.

mortar - noob tube
mg - spam
camping rifile - fag
[Image: vNzdsZw]

If this is still going on...
Laser - Field Pistol (2x meanings for field... :-P)
Shotgun - Flaxim
Uzi / Machinegun - Bezzix, Tatzin
Mortar / Grenade launcher - Lobbix, Pod Launcher
Crylink - Xepseon, Sprexl
Electro - Xrypheon,
Hagar - Gaxiclon, Hagix, Xageon
Rocket launcher - Missile Tube, Missile Cannon,
Nex gun - Xonic, Nex, Neox
HLAC - Hallix
Fireball - Infexlor,
Camping rifle - Reflix, Rifle, LBLRR-5, R-XLR-3

Ummm... mostly nonsense words with 'x's in them... lol
I think my top names are:
Laser - Field Pistol
Hagar - Gaxiclon
I am --|--Rapier-- .
I am SloggerKhan .

(11-08-2010, 05:06 AM)Halogene Wrote: I vote for keeping the name "Nex" as a contribute to Nexuiz.

(12-07-2010, 01:02 PM)AnArKiSt Wrote:
(11-08-2010, 05:06 AM)Halogene Wrote: I vote for keeping the name "Nex" as a contribute to Nexuiz.

Nobody pointed out that "Nex" is the Latin word for "slaughter" or "violent death".
Search here for proof.

It just sounds so much cooler knowing that, so I vote to keep it as well.

I kind of wondered about that. The name is so cool, anyways.

How about this: Nexon Rifle (we could drop the rifle).
Proverbs 25:8 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.

Personally I think a lot of these names are just plain silly and should be used for e.g. a peacebrothers mod of the weapons. Honestly the weapons should remain with generic names in my opinion. (A majority of them should anyway.)

These are my thoughts on names and what should change for Xonotic:
  • Uzi - Should be renamed to Machine Gun in my opinion as it is CLEARLY not an uzi - But that's if the weapon itself doesn't change... it's highly likely that I will change the weapon to some type of energy weapon instead, with green "bullets."
  • HLAC - Desperately could use a better name, laser cannon?
  • Nexgun - Honestly i'm also okay with keeping this as the "Nex." It is not only a classic and good name for the weapon, it also doesn't really cause that much of an issue with distinction between Nexuiz and Xonotic I think.

Those in the least are my highest priority issues with naming, all the rest are okay the way they are in my opinion. Also: Renaming the laser probably isn't a good idea unless we come up with something "short and sweet" to describe it.


Seriously Slogger, SRSLI? Big Grin Not only are those difficult to remember, they're hard to type and pronounce in some cases. And they will ESPECIALLY throw off EU vs NA players with pronunciation.

a name for Samuel's lighting gun:

arc cannon
Master of mysterious geometries

Imgur Gallery

Laser - Laser
Shotgun - Shotgun, SG
Uzi / Machinegun - Machinegun, MG
Mortar / Grenade launcher - Grenade launcher, GL
Crylink - Crylink, Plasmaton
Electro - Electro, Bolt
Hagar - See below
Rocket launcher - Rocket launcher, RL
Nex gun - Nex, Railgun
HLAC - See below
Fireball - Fireball, Phoenix
Camping rifle - Rifle, Sniper rifle, SR

Hagar and Seeker are being merged I believe. Since it will retain its seeking abilities, perhaps we should just leave it 'Seeker'?

HLAC is going to be removed I believe, or severely modified. Anyway: 'Laser cannon' seems the most descriptive and self explanatory.

Lightening gun - Arc, Shaft, Lightening gun, LG -- IMHO Arc has a nice ring to it, cannon doesn't really fit though. Nice thought theShadow. Smile


Shotgun - The ejaculator
Uzi / Machinegun - phlegm
Mortar / Grenade launcher - giant poo cannon
Crylink - Ohhhh purple!
Electro - Hose of doom
Hagar - more phlegm
Rocket launcher - Hehehehehehehehehe.
Nex gun - Campinator
Camping rifle - tent

At least FLAK sounds good for the RL. Easy, and it pretty much works like the old FlugzeugAbwehrKanonne Big Grin
Moved to Mepper

A.R.C -- Amplified Ray Current
or Amplified Ray Charge

Laser - Photon Acceleration Lamp (P.A.L)

HLAC - Fully Automatic Photon Accelerator (FAPA)

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