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Space Death_b2

Hello everyone!

Last time I had a bit more time (finally exams are finished - I passed!) and I've decided that its good to make something for the Xonotic community, not only complain and troll (thanks kojn, I took your advice very seriously).

I made a map. Its my third map so far (previous ones were just for my selfTongue). The one I bring you today and it's a duel/ FFA (mabye CA, TDM). Mind that its only a beta version, though it has allready item placement and waypoints in it(and cool textures).
Any feedback would be very appreciated. For a map name too Smile

Mega room and armor room:
[Image: 41.jpg] [Image: 42.jpg]
and this is warpzone (check this 'help' thingo out!) and armor 50
[Image: 43.jpg] [Image: 44.jpg]

Map has two basic levels and one room (nex room) down stairs (basement). On the 0 floor there are most of the important items including strenght and rocket launcher and both megas.
On the second floor we have some shards and mortar and crylink. I was thinking about adding a bit more shards but Im not sure, I leave it to you, people.

Download link (current version)

If you put it on a hoster that supports direct links (e.g. ompldr or dropbox) I'll add it to my server.


i repacked properly and i added a minimap you maybe lost somewhere during the compile process
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

ok done

Pretty nice map. I don't like the teleporter though, if you jump in it with high speed you will end up bumbing into a wall. It seems perfect for TDM! Smile

My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

Screenshots are in the video (slide show if you prefer).
Machine: You re right. I replaced one teleport with warpzone and I think its much better now.

Good. Big Grin

As for the name, I like "Space Death" no need to change it! Smile

(07-09-2012, 11:17 AM)Justin Wrote: Screenshots are in the video (slide show if you prefer).

Video you say... hmm...

nvm, found it... looks nice
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

Cyber Killer, does the youtube embed not work at all for you? Or did you fix that? I'd like to know, because I made the embedding code and I'd like to fix it if the problem's on our side.

Which browser do you use? It works for me on Chrome. Surely it's a browser compatibility issue... Or something like Flash Player of Java maybe...

(07-10-2012, 04:27 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cyber Killer, does the youtube embed not work at all for you? Or did you fix that? I'd like to know, because I made the embedding code and I'd like to fix it if the problem's on our side.

Yes it doesn't work. I don't have flash installed, so the embed should fall to the html5 version of youtube widget (I even have a browser extension which forces all youtube widgets to load the html5 version, I have the html5 version selected at too). The default embed code from youtube works ok (just tested it).

In this case above I just copied the video url from the site's source (as I often need to do on many other pages - the web video is a bitch if you don't use flash). Though in most cases i can see that there's a video missing, but here on the forum it just blends so much that it's not noticeable at first that there's something missing there.
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

Okey. Map is updated now. (including bot points).
Whats changed:
  • Deleted one teleporter and made a warpzone
  • Added details
  • New waypoints
  • Trims!
  • Few pipes in the corridor
  • teleport fixed, machine
  • Added more textures
  • Added light models and lights

Main post also updated.

Cyber Killer: The best way is to test the map in game. My 'slideshow' shows nothing. Anyway, its out of date.

(07-10-2012, 07:51 AM)Cyber Killer Wrote:
(07-10-2012, 04:27 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cyber Killer, does the youtube embed not work at all for you? Or did you fix that? I'd like to know, because I made the embedding code and I'd like to fix it if the problem's on our side.

Yes it doesn't work. I don't have flash installed, so the embed should fall to the html5 version of youtube widget (I even have a browser extension which forces all youtube widgets to load the html5 version, I have the html5 version selected at too). The default embed code from youtube works ok (just tested it).

In this case above I just copied the video url from the site's source (as I often need to do on many other pages - the web video is a bitch if you don't use flash). Though in most cases i can see that there's a video missing, but here on the forum it just blends so much that it's not noticeable at first that there's something missing there.

Ow. I crafted the embed code to be as lightweight as I could make it. Youtube's default embed supporting html5 is (was?) based on iframes... I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Moved to iframes now.

That pk3 is a 7z not a zip and therefore can't be read by xonotic.

(07-10-2012, 08:15 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(07-10-2012, 07:51 AM)Cyber Killer Wrote:
(07-10-2012, 04:27 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: (...)
Ow. I crafted the embed code to be as lightweight as I could make it. Youtube's default embed supporting html5 is (was?) based on iframes... I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Moved to iframes now.

Yeah! works now, thank you Mr. Bougo! ;-)
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

Because of the problems with Youtube I decided to remove link and replaced it with several screenshots. And now: Pls, follow the toppic. In this step a lot of things still can be changed, all I need is your constuructive feedback.

I tested the map on Exile 1v1 server "vmap spacedeath-b12" and with warpzone it works better. It looks like this map will be perfect for 2v2 TDM.

Also: thank you Maddin for your pro tips. I took care for this 'texture alongement' and map looks away better now (but still a lot of clipping I heve to do).

PS: Download link should be fine right now.

It is spelled "texture alignment"... Smile anyway, I found this tutorial:
Maybe it helps you to understand the basics of proper texture alignment (I love that word Big Grin). If you still got questions then ask me.

What I came up with is:

I want to make a map looks like old space base.

The crew of the ship was killed (by something) 20 years ago and since then the space base is abadonded. The map currently looks 'clean' but Im going to change that a bit. I also want to remove lava and replace it with a toxic slime (that might be what killed the crew)

I decided to make the map in two main colors - gray (metal and panels) and blue. Will be some trims and panels in red color.

  • I made a teleporter (inspired with the one from darkzone)
  • I also made a floor thinner in one place, as Nibus said so.
  • I added few decals (blood) on the glass (it looks bloody awesome)
  • I changed trims (each is 'deep' now)
  • I placed nexgun a bit higher (on a platform) and added a spawn effect on it so its more visable now)
  • I made so called texture alignment (thanks to Maddin)

Thank you, people for your help. Together we can make this map much better.

Still no update, people. I want to make more but I need your opinions.

Wow, can't wait, hope I can play a 2on2 on this map soon! Big Grin

Argh, I wanted to write a very long reply about your map and general mapping and level design tips Justin but a flash thingy seemed to have fucked up Firefox and it crashed. The text lost... Dodgy I see whether I write a long text (or maybe a book? o.O) with tips and tricks some time. Most tutorials for Quake 3 Mapping do no longer exist... damn!

the one issue I can see (i'm mot sure if im using the up to date version ... i am using the one where the pk3 was packed wrong) is that you seem to be using textures from many different texture packs ... which makes the map look kind of patched together and not very good ....

I would say try to consolidate your texture use to 1 or 2 packs (skys effects and such dont count as packs) .. I suggest starting by dropping out all the drain green textures ... or ... making everything the drain green textures (you cant really mix those with much anything)

Hutty: Textures in the version you saw are quite random (as I put them just to replace caulk texture).
Thats a very good advice. I know. Maddin also said that the map looks like a Disney land. Smile

Whats changed:
  • Trimes and textures
  • Lightning
  • Details (some panels, blood, etc.)
  • Texture alignment
  • lots of clipping!
  • Map's size Tongue

Main post also updated!

(07-11-2012, 08:58 PM)hutty Wrote: the one issue I can see [...] is that you seem to be using textures from many different texture packs ... which makes the map look kind of patched together and not very good ....

I would say try to consolidate your texture use to 1 or 2 packs (skys effects and such dont count as packs) .. I suggest starting by dropping out all the drain green textures ... or ... making everything the drain green textures (you cant really mix those with much anything)

Reading your description of what you´d like to create I would suggest to use mainly trak6x textures with some basic trak5x textures. This would match your colour style the most. The texture pack phillipk1x (the one hutty mentioned) doesn´t fit in any way as the main colours there are green and white-yellow, which is the exact opposite of your intention.

Also I found something covering the texture alignment topic a bit:

What about phillipk2x?

Btw, guys: How to build the map? I use test light medium thingo. Is it all right?

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