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Making a SMB Map, from Blender to Radiant just failures

Hello dear community,

Me and Mario started to create together some Mario64 maps for Nexuiz as well as Xonotic, of course some Mario fans in this forum cant wait to play the map, sadly we have some problems which we dont understand after all.

for example, we exported peach castle from the n64 game into blender, edited the whole construct radiant friendly and important it into radiant as a map, that's the result:

[Image: Screen%20shot%202011-02-28%20at%2012.36.18%20AM.jpg]

Looks good, but sadly if we try to play that map...

[Image: vN2tzNQ]

why there are holes now everywhere? There werent holes in blender and no holes in radiant D:

Maybe some of you guys made already experience how to export stuff from blender to radiant and want to give us a tipp... in addition I attached the blender file on my post if somone is interested to look into it

thanks in advance!

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 113.21 KB / Downloads: 5)
[Image: signature.php] [Image: DVlpo.png]

Oh god, please dont tell me noone know how to do that? But the whole Xonotic is build on Blender so there must be someone here which knows the solution! At least that's what I hoped D:
[Image: signature.php] [Image: DVlpo.png]

Before exporting out of blender, did you convert everything to triangles (no quads)?

I actually don't have much experience exporting/importing, but I'm pretty sure that it likes tris best. In blender, you can convert back and forth between tris and quads using alt-j and ctrl-t.

Also I assume you used the native .map exporter?

You could try to remove some brushes (of those invisible ones) in netradiant. If there are several brushes at the same place it is possible that they get invisible ingame.

I was told there is a way to export the whole blender thing as a model and then use it as misc_model or something in the map - even if you're making the whole map in blender. There are some limitations associated with this, but I am not all to sure I can recall them correctly. Of course, this would mean you'd have to roughly rebuild the map layout with brushes inside the object so that vis calculation can be made. If you ask on IRC, someone will most probably be able to explain to you (#xonotic on freenode or #xonotic on quakenet, there's also a dedicated editing channel but I forget what it was).
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Exporting from Blender to NetRadiant can be a bit of a pain in the a**.
From my experience, I would say that the brushes are either to complex or not accurate enough (position coordinates of vertices are not whole numbers). These kind of brushes seem to be simply discarded during compile.

But yes, you can export blender geometry as a model, either .obj which should be natively supported by Blender (File > Export > Wavefront), and NetRadiant (RMC > misc > misc_model). There also are non-native scripts to export to .md3 or .ase, which are also supported by NetRadiant.

I made a quick and dirty package to show that it works.

You will have to find someone else to help you with the details though. I don't really have time for that.

For open, small maps like these, you don't have to bother with the vis (i.e. putting in caulk brushes or hints), just compile it without the vis stage.

Thank you all for so much response, that was more than quite helpful indeed. After all I did not know there was a second way to import into Radiant by inserting models.

sadly no, I started to construct the whole map in triangles since I know radiant prefer that way. But even execute the command to convert all to triangles leads to the same result D:

So you are thinking that 2 brushes are using the same place? well I did not try that indeed, but ... well I dont know why, it's just a feeling that this is not the problem, anyway I'm going to try that after I get home, thanks!

But of course the irc channel of xonotic! Thanks another think which I have to try later ^^

Well I tired to import what you made but how do I open the pk3 file? I know it's just a zip file but even unzipping it and open the map file leads me to 3 cubes I think, the whole castle is in the obj file but I'm no able to import obj files in radiant... or am I?

ah, maybe I had to insert the whole think in the nexuiz map folder and then open it for the corrent linking? Sorry I'm a bit slow today...


[Image: signature.php] [Image: DVlpo.png]

(03-03-2011, 05:24 AM)Soelen Wrote: @sev
Well I tired to import what you made but how do I open the pk3 file? I know it's just a zip file but even unzipping it and open the map file leads me to 3 cubes I think, the whole castle is in the obj file but I'm no able to import obj files in radiant... or am I?

just unzip the package the xonotic/nexuiz version you map with.

the small cubes only show that xonotic/nexuiz cant find the model, if the model in sev's pk3 cant be found store the model under data/models/peachcastle.obj
One of both should work.

[Image: kk4hxdp47q8zmquw2de_thumb.jpg]
then it looks like this
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

Well since I imported the obj file into the models folder I am able to play this map but still, it just dont find the obj file, or does not want to include it. What am I doing wrong? I inserted it into data/models so it must work somehow right?
[Image: signature.php] [Image: DVlpo.png]

same here I am trying to make a wipeout style map for race vehicle from blender and exporting it to .map file but I have the same kind of issue.
I would love to be able to map this king of map but with netradiant I am way from able to do so..
My dream is that it could be able to do everything from blender.
Soelen any news ?

the vehicles won't work in the race mode
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

too bad!
their should be a race car mode Smile


I remember this map. I played it some times but I failed always.

GarthPS, please don´t try to build maps for Xonotic in Blender. Although it might theoretically work, the performance will be extremely bad. It´s worth a try to learn mapping with NetRadiant, trust me! Wink And having some experience with Blender isn´t useless either, because then you can create nice models for your map.

Not necessarily. baked (misc_model) surfaces are essentially the same thing as detail brushes. Its true that if you make a map only by using those, and ents, performance will suc. However with smart placement of caulk brushes inside those model/s (for vis block), its (at least in theory) possible to make it work abt as well as a map made just from brushwork. You can also force surfaces to be structural on shader level, but i never tested how good/bad that works..

Well maybe you´re right. I´m just doing it always the old-school way which works perfectly and it gives you more control over what you´re doing! Big Grin

Im most cases id agree with you there, but for times when you need to shift allot of verts (like terrain) or want very high geometry detail, radiant just wont cut it. All im saying is "its technically possible" Wink

I totally agree (well I am a newbie to radiant so..) for me it is just impossible to make what I want with radiant.
I just need to find the goo way with blender to smb. A guild line should be cool.


There is a full guide how to export, and how to fix the holes in Part 2 on that site.

cool thx! I will take a look!

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