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[SOLVED] Player changes name to mine and starts spamming. What do I do?

A player changes their name to mine and starts spamming. What do I do?
vcall kick myname
vcall ban myname
both are not clear as to what their effect would be, since there are two players of the same name.

EDIT: I just saw . Apparently there's nothing you can do right now?


You can get a list of names and time spent on the server with
status 2
variants are
status 1
You can then use the player ID to kick or ban after you find it out. The syntax is
kick # id
, for example
kick # 8
(notice the space between # and 8).

You can get a list of names and time spent on the server with the command status 2 (variants are status and status 1). You can then use the player ID to kick or ban after you find it out. The syntax is kick # id, for example kick # 8 (notice the space between # and 8).

EDIT: With unicode support, there's hardly anything you can do against fakenicking. Only kick and ban.

Contact the server admin, he can ban him/her.


unozz is spamming too! He spam under the nick "RoKenn {X}".

I played a whole 10 min duel while he spammed me using the "tell #x" command...

I think he is banned on DCC and on the CTS server, but could some admin please ban him off exile too?

Is it really unoz? Well, if so, things would make sense... anyway to kick people you need two commands:

status - shows all players and their number
vcall kick playername_or_number - will kick a player
vcall kickban playername_or_number - will ban a player

Man, this spammer today made me really use this commands quite often. Undecided

He has a permanent ban on the DCC servers now.

An achievement very few people managed to get.
[Tue Aug 5 2008] [00:15:01] <Ronan`> RoKenn, you're an evil person Tongue

(07-06-2012, 02:42 PM)RoKenn Wrote: He has a permanent ban on the DCC servers now.

An achievement very few people managed to get.

Well, I don't think that's necessary, I would more go with 2 weeks ban or something, I talked to unozz before the spam and he said he really liked Xonotic, and DCC got the most populated servers. Just saying..

Just saying that "I like Xonotic" does not qualifies as a reason to unban him. Note: if you're acting like an asshole, and purposedly ruining the fun for others, you're off from the game. Especially on DCC servers.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."


You're banning him for eternity. Think about it. People can change over a year, and we're talking about eternity here.

EDIT: Obviously I'm talking about symbolism more than anything, IPv4 being short-lived and all. But still, unless it's a very serious offense, I think it's best to start with a smaller punishment. This is especially important if the bannee knows a way to work around a ban: bypassing a week-long ban might not be worth the effort, and they might rather wait it out. But you can't wait out a permanent ban.

(07-06-2012, 02:42 PM)RoKenn Wrote: He has a permanent ban on the DCC servers now.

An achievement very few people managed to get.

We should have server based achievement messages.

"Achievement unlocked: Permanent Ban"
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(07-07-2012, 04:44 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: You're banning him for eternity. Think about it. People can change over a year, and we're talking about eternity here.
This indeed. Usually only cheaters and real bad trolls like FUF get an IP ban on my servers. If you try to handle people like unoz with aggression, you'll get more aggression back. On the other hand he's still young so I hope that he'll outgrow from that kind of behavior at some point.

(07-07-2012, 04:44 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: You're banning him for eternity. Think about it. People can change over a year, and we're talking about eternity here.

I don't say that he can't be unbanned at some point.

But unozzz has a bad history of trolling and bad behaviour and you shouldn't expect him to change in the near future.

Apart from that impostering other players is an offence that I consider quite serious, especially if done with evil intentions as in this case.
[Tue Aug 5 2008] [00:15:01] <Ronan`> RoKenn, you're an evil person Tongue

In practical terms, I completely agree with you because this ban won't last forever anyway.

(07-07-2012, 05:00 AM)asy7um Wrote: On the other hand he's still young so I hope that he'll outgrow from that kind of behavior at some point.
Since how many years is he young??
mokay... forget that question.

Yeah well i think, all of you underestimate the trolling of dante. He's been massively spamming, fucking up teams and doing other trolling for years. He's been known for nickfaking and multi-client-use to undermine the people whose nicks he faked. Personally he even threatened me with violence and death (which i don't take seriously of course, but it shows his character).

I've known Dante for years now. And his pattern doesn't alter in the slightest. As long as you tolerate and go along with what he does, or as long as you have something what he wants, he stays relatively calm. But once you start punishing his misbehaviour, he totally freaks out.

Over the years i've known dante, i've been through hours and hours of conversation to find a peaceful solution. He's had dozends of chances by me, pretty much everytime he told me "i've learned, i've become better", and each and everytime he disappoints me and starts harrassing people again. Frankly i always say to myself "ok, that's it, he won't get any other chance". But it's just mere weeks ago that he told "I'm good now! I know: admins always win.".

Yes of course: if you come cross him, he really freaks out. But that's really no reason to keep these people on the servers. It's really up to you, guys, but i'm sure nobody wants people like that on their server.

Dante is unozz?

Yes. He got other nicks, too, but currently i cannot recall them. Additionally, he has fakenicked as RoKenn and as Maddin, already.

btw, from a naive user perspective, it may seem weird that a player can change his name.
Where does it come? Are there some technical issues so as to make a unique-name game?

Why is it weird? This isn't PSN or XBL.

If names were enforced by the auth system, you would still get fakenicking, because colors and unicode characters are allowed in nicknames. There are many look-alike characters in unicode, as well as different widths of spaces. And two successive color codes give the same visual result as a single one. Unless you restrict the range of characters and disable colors (or disallow color variations of the same string), then you can't do a thing against fakenicking. And even if you restrict to ASCII, there's always the problem of 1 and l looking similar in many fonts, or O and 0, or , and .
EDIT: And let's not talk about letter permutations. I could go as Rage_AWTM and no reasonable automated system could detect that.

I don't think the few trolls that are out there should have basic, simple and fun things be removed (like being able to change your name) when it can be solved the way it was solved here. True trolls will always find other things to annoy you anyway.
"Yes, there was a spambot some time ago on these forums." - aa

(07-08-2012, 10:05 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Why is it weird? This isn't PSN or XBL.
indeed, but being different to those systems does not imply that it is better Wink
Well, a name (by definition) is supposed to carry some sort of identity. If you cannot guarantee the name uniqueness, then you just don't know who you are playing with.
And the latter aspect seems to me very important in an online game.
Imagine that you play against a guy named Fatal1ty.
The guy is high skilled but because you're in a super shape, you manage to win 1 game over 20. What would you think afterwards, without name uniquess?

About permutation, note that anyone can still have a clue of the imposture, by taking a carreful look at the name.

Now I understand that there are technical issues to guarantee a name to be genuine with the current system as it is.
Personnaly, I wouldn't disagree with a system which wouldn't allow me to use colors and §€¤, but which could guarantee name integrity. QL allows that, if i'm correct.

Another use-case of non name bijectivity (->which is not exactlty in line with the initial thread topic though) which occured a lot, mostly at nexuiz: a god-like player, namely qwertyuiop, comes up on a server and rapes everybody. Because of the small size of the community, everybody necessarily knows this player but without being able to give his name. A bit frustrating.

(07-08-2012, 04:16 PM)Rage_ATWM Wrote: indeed, but being different to those systems does not imply that it is better Wink
Well, a name (by definition) is supposed to carry some sort of identity. If you cannot guarantee the name uniqueness, then you just don't know who you are playing with.
And the latter aspect seems to me very important in an online game.
Imagine that you play against a guy named Fatal1ty.
The guy is high skilled but because you're in a super shape, you manage to win 1 game over 20. What would you think afterwards, without name uniquess?

About permutation, note that anyone can still have a clue of the imposture, by taking a carreful look at the name.

Now I understand that there are technical issues to guarantee a name to be genuine with the current system as it is.
Personnaly, I wouldn't disagree with a system which wouldn't allow me to use colors and §€¤, but which could guarantee name integrity. QL allows that, if i'm correct.

Another use-case of non name bijectivity (->which is not exactlty in line with the initial thread topic though) which occured a lot, mostly at nexuiz: a god-like player, namely qwertyuiop, comes up on a server and rapes everybody. Because of the small size of the community, everybody necessarily knows this player but without being able to give his name. A bit frustrating.

I'm not saying being different makes it good, I'm just saying it seems weird if you're used to PSN/XBL, but if you play other games it's not weird at all.

Being unable to change nicknames is just impractical. You can't have clantags, people have to come up with unique names (some just want to play), and you can't change your nickname either by design. It's annoying.

Perhaps a unique textual ID could be associated to a player key in addition to the nickname. But that would need more code in the auth system, and I'm not sure that's possible now that it's all in place. I guess nickname uniqueness has the same problem, and in addition is a major annoyance for most players who just don't care.

EDIT: As for your last paragraph, there's nothing you can do about anonymity. And that's a VERY good thing.

How about a sever side option to add the player ID before/after the nic? In case of two identical/similar names in one match this could make everyone aware who the actual spammer would be (and if it's the right person who is about to be kicked). It would preserve anonimity and the ability to have the same nics, and would not have to be turned on all the time, only when there are identity problems.

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