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new CTS Map

Hi, I made my first CTS-Map.

Here you can download it:


Moved it to the Maps section. Wink


You may want to show us a screenshot and give a descriptive text of you level?

I wanted to make a map without netradiant or gtkradiant, because
I do not love this tool. another possibility were blender, but it would
took too long time to work in. So i decided to take another maps as
an template and to see how the grammar works. (I used 19mai, slopez
dinirun, but there is absolutely nothing left from the original maps-
structure). After I figured out, how to create blocks (so called brushes),
I programmed an brushes builder in R and created this complete map
this way.

It has an start and and, but the player must return to start, to finish,
I will maybe correct it later.

[Image: xonotic201312281118446huob.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228111857uhune.jpg]

There are staris for spectating the figure.

[Image: xonotic201312281119169puwv.jpg]

[Image: xonotic2013122811194219ur7.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228111946szul8.jpg]

Now inside:

[Image: xonotic20131228112015xiuey.jpg]


[Image: xonotic20131228112034svujp.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228112235tiur5.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228113031ftuqx.jpg]

[Image: xonotic201312281130375eunp.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228113043ivuwn.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228113051zxuqw.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228113327biukl.jpg]

[Image: xonotic20131228113333cbu5o.jpg]

[Image: xonotic2013122811333932uzf.jpg]

I did not reach the top checkpoint, but im sure, it is possible. I believe, that better players can finish the map without big effort.

I was using the Fruits physics, just call:

"exec physicsFruit.cfg"

in the console.

Happy jumping.

Procedural maps, great job. Is the R source available?

(12-28-2013, 07:05 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Procedural maps, great job. Is the R source available?

Currently not, but maybe later.

Good news: I completet my own map in 5 min 56.51 sec Smile

What a challenge.

It makes really happy. I can recommend it to everybody.


thanks for you effort [BOX] Noob Big Grin uploaded it to server Big Grin and it isn.t that easy it looks like Tongue

Map seems not to be finished till now - I miss a nice skybox for example Shy
The gameplay is a bit uniform - running in circle Rolleyes
Anyway - It will be a nice map when ready - so: keep it up!

GreetZ Su

(12-28-2013, 11:07 AM)-maniac|Su- Wrote: thanks for you effort [BOX] Noob Big Grin uploaded it to server Big Grin and it isn.t that easy it looks like Tongue

Map seems not to be finished till now - I miss a nice skybox for example Shy
The gameplay is a bit uniform - running in circle Rolleyes
Anyway - It will be a nice map when ready - so: keep it up!

GreetZ Su

Ok, i will do that. Thanks for your patience. Please keep the map online, I would be glad if there is building an Highscore. The main-work was on the algorithms yet, but you are right, it looks not such nice as maybe possible.

I will inform you, if the next version is available.


That's freaking cool, I would really appreciate releasing the source under a free license.

As you can see, im working hard on completion.

[Image: xonotic20131231223525ffsxw.jpg]

Im not such a good gfx entertainer, but i try my best, to make this map enjoyable. I saw me compelled to write an skybox-maker. It takes an Image as an cylindric shape and makes an projection to the surrounding 6 skybox-faces.


I have never seen anything like it. I used to run quite often long time ago and lost interest in this game type. Therefore I must say I did not expect much when I saw another CTS map. But this map is realy special. I had a lot of fun on it - found myself laughing loud. Thanks for this map, mate.

(12-31-2013, 05:14 PM)[BOX] Noob Wrote: ...
Im not such a good gfx entertainer, but i try my best, to make this map enjoyable...

understatement ... Tongue

Yey - nice Big Grin Lookin forward for the release/upload of the map

GreetZ Su



the new map was a lot of work. I tried the native linux
q3map2 compiler out (from netradiant), but he does not
finish compiling, so i remain using the q3map2.exe with

The skybox - routine took 3 days of programming and an
broken makefile made me sick (about 6 hours of trying),
because the maps/*.ent file did not recompile and i
wondered why the checkpoints behave so false.

I was not able yet to make respawn trigger - it seems
not to exist an simple respawn mechanism for all checkpoints.

There must obviously an trigger per checkpoint. This stuff I
will create maybe later.

Some textures are changed - now I do not longer remain on
work from others - and it looks a bit different Smile. I used
Gimp for Picture-Editing.

A lot of work was going into the development - structure,
because the first map was mainly a patched map-file, where
a few lines were replaced by script-output (vim made it possible).

But now there exist an little template-expander, which expands
the script-output inside of an map template. I only need to edit
some scripts and call make - thats it.


hi [BOX] Noob

map looks much better now - I had a tryout on test server.

but there is one issue now: On the map are more than 150 checkpoints Tongue

When you fix the problem I.ll upload it on cts server Shy

GreetZ Su

(01-02-2014, 10:28 AM)-maniac|Su- Wrote: hi [BOX] Noob

map looks much better now - I had a tryout on test server.

but there is one issue now: On the map are more than 150 checkpoints Tongue

When you fix the problem I.ll upload it on cts server Shy

GreetZ Su

Ok, 10 Checkpoints:


yo - much better now Big Grin uploaded it to cts server.

Thank you for sharing Cool

GreetZ Su


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