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Xonotic: Video on Demand (VoD)

That looks pretty good Big Grin

Only why would do you use such fugly settings? You can just play with these, and then capture your demo with ultra effects, and that looks just 10 times better than this.

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Many potential players prefer a competitive config. Xonotic on ultra settings is so overloaded with effects it's hard to get a clue on what's happening.

I know that. For normal playing low effects are indeed recommendable.

But you can just play back your demo with ultra graphics, that's no problem at all, and looks 10 times better.

I don't have any problem with that, unless bloom is overdone to hell and beyond (eg. sandstorm, maybe lightspeed).

Quote:and looks 10 times better
That's an opinion Smile

It sure is. But without a doubt most people just like the graphics more when ultra, instead of omg.

Especially most people who didn't know Xonotic yet will be like: "OMG ZE GAME IS UGLY, SUX LOL"

While if your videos would be recorded with ultra graphics, people will most likely like the game and check out what it is Smile

But this is still true ofc:

Nice vid zerocl. An nice playing too, its not often I see someone who can take on someone like LO and succeed. How come I`ve never heard of you?

Some TDM aCtion! Smile

metsu ZeRoQL (Stats) - <@nifrek> true, I guess in tdm you also dont always have your perfect choice of weapon, especially when ZeRoQL is controlling nex Dodgy
KILLING X ZONE - Xonotic community movie


o.O Freaky Nex accuracy!

Good game though!

Nah, I came too late, had that map (Deep Inside) in the works for months, but hadnt the time to finish it...
Anyway its interesting to see famous Quake Live players playing xonotic. (There are some guys who consider Juven1le the best QL player of all time Tongue)

IIRC it was considered cheating in nexuiz to use those simplified textures (other than in QL). Im not sure, though. Wink

(03-20-2012, 04:18 PM)Debugger Wrote: Nah, I came too late, had that map (Deep Inside) in the works for months, but hadnt the time to finish it...
Anyway its interesting to see famous Quake Live players playing xonotic. (There are some guys who consider Juven1le the best QL player of all time Tongue)

IIRC it was considered cheating in nexuiz to use those simplified textures (other than in QL). Im not sure, though. Wink

The only time anything could be considered cheating if I recall correctly is if game content was replaced. Even if that was the case with the textures, it doesn't matter much because you can get pretty much the exact same result by messing with your cvars and one of the official configs BUILT INTO THE GAME (effects-omg.cfg) gives you a similar result. What he did there was about as harmless as swapping out crosshairs or announcer sounds.

Oh wait.


My poor eyes

But indeed, 68% nex acc 0_o

Feel free to upload your own videos with ultrahypermegaeffects.cfg btw Smile

Time for some nexball action.
Here is out tourney match against {dear}-2
Map-1 Marsball:

Map-2 Mayanball:

Map-3 Swat-Sd:

Map-4 basket_case:
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

wow I like those graphics settings, how i get same as that? share config please? i will love you long time

(03-23-2012, 09:56 PM)Loafers Wrote: wow I like those graphics settings, how i get same as that? share config please? i will love you long time

if you mean my nexball videos. just open the console and type

exec effects-normal.cfg
<Samual> I am the most unprofessional developer ever
<bluez> halogene, you make awesome music, but you have no clue about ctf.
<Halogene> I didn't know mappers include some mysterious waypoints so members of the BOT clan can navigate a map?
<divVerent> if you don't pay for a premium account, your movement speed is limited to 100qu/s

2 more VOD's

Fisume^ vs [PGP]Cuizi

And some [BOT]Mirio CTF aCTion! Smile

metsu ZeRoQL (Stats) - <@nifrek> true, I guess in tdm you also dont always have your perfect choice of weapon, especially when ZeRoQL is controlling nex Dodgy
KILLING X ZONE - Xonotic community movie


yeye, i remember those two teamkills Mirio, damn, that's what you get for covering your flag carrier Tongue
some nice flag runs though

(heh this map looks pretty good with those settings...)

what i kind of don't like in your videos is that you disabled rings around crosshair on nex and MG
<Halogene> ok "n1" means "nice one"
<Halogene> "gl" means "good luck"
<Halogene> "fu" means "wow that was wickedly nice that frag"
Frogg on Instagram

The teamkills were funny. Tongue

Also we used voice chat, so there is not so much team chat.

If you don't want to watch the hole stuff: Epic capture around 0:05 and also awesome unoz kill in overtime. Big Grin

we have some great vids on this thread. why not post them on the main page of xonotic for each game type? one for CTF, one for TDM etc... I never look on the main page for a REASON. I don´t understand when there are so many great vids like these!

Updated first post with all VODs that have been uploaded lately.

Xonotic QuickCup #2 (2on2 TDM)
Grand Finals (casted by [Image: ust6l41.png] Antibody)


hmm thinking a nice official xonotic youtube channel to upload these on would look good...

(05-22-2012, 12:29 AM).Danny. Wrote: hmm thinking a nice official xonotic youtube channel to upload these on would look good...

There are just Playlists anyway.
I guess if you want to look for stuff about Xonotic you just type in "Xonotic" at first Smile

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